I’ve put together a list of 60 tunes that have stuck with me through the years, inspired by Jeffrey Canam (@GrahfMetal)’s Twitter rundown of his top 100 favourite video game tracks. I’ve attempted to limit myself to a couple songs per game, but there are exceptions.
I’ll post them here and on Twitter every Tuesday and Thursday using the hashtag #KongsTdayTunes.
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest has a bad reputation, and it’s undeserved. It came out early enough in the life of the series that people didn’t really realize that each Final Fantasy game was going to be different from its predecessor—in some cases dramatically. Die-hard fans thought it was some kind of strange insult. It’s a fine game. It’s just fine. It has fun battle and decent world design. You know what else it has?
Fucking awesome music.
Check out this battle theme, free of the chains of tradition that would become a staple of the series.
Track: “Battle 1” (YouTube Link)
Game: Final Fantasy Mystic Quest (SNES, 1992)
Composer: Ryuji Sasai