Kong’s T’day Tune #10

I’ve put together a list of 60 tunes that have stuck with me through the years, inspired by Jeffrey Canam (@GrahfMetal)’s Twitter rundown of his top 100 favourite video game tracks. I’ve attempted to limit myself to a couple songs per game, but there are exceptions.

I’ll post them here and on Twitter every Tuesday and Thursday using the hashtag #KongsTdayTunes.


We’ve reached the Top 10! Only about half of the remaining tracks are from games that haven’t already been mentioned in this list. So we’re in for a few more surprises and a few games that had strong enough soundtracks to get more representation.

I like the mysterious opening melody of this song. It resolves itself in such a satisfying way. It loses points for drifting off near the end of the loop.

Track: “The Dark Star” (YouTube Link)
Game: Secret of Mana (SNES, 1993)
Composer: Hiroki Kikuta